What We Do

The City of Lancaster Land Bank Authority holds and transfers interests in real property throughout the City of Lancaster as approved by the Authority’s Board of Directors to deter the spread of blight, to promote redevelopment and reuse of vacant and abandoned tax delinquent properties, to support targeted efforts to stabilize neighborhoods, to stimulate residential, commercial and industrial development, and in any other ways that are consistent with the goals and priorities established by this chapter, local governmental partners and other community stakeholders.


The City of Lancaster and the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Lancaster shall identify all surplus vacant property which meet the criteria for redevelopment as set forth in the statute and notify the City of Lancaster Land Bank Authority of their desire to have these properties acquired and developed by the Authority.


Inventory of Real Property

The Inventory of Real Property held by the Land Bank is required by 68 Pa.C.S.§2110(a). Properties Currently Owned by the City of Lancaster Land Bank Authority:

  1. 110 Old Dorwart Street, Lancaster, PA

Contact Info


Council Chambers
City Hall Annex (Marion Street entrance)
120 N. Duke St.
Lancaster, PA



(717) 723-7954





Meeting Schedule

The Land Bank Authority meets the third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m.

Meeting Resources

Upcoming Events

City of Lancaster Land Bank Authority Meeting
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Bright Side Opportunities Center