The City of Lancaster has a number of parking options for residents, commuters and visitors. See below for more information about parking options, residential permit parking, street cleaning, snow removal, how to pay parking tickets and more.
Garages and lots are managed by the Lancaster Parking Authority. Metered parking, street cleaning and residential permit parking is enforced by the Lancaster Parking Authority. Parking tickets are paid through the Lancaster Parking Authority.
Parking Resources
Street cleaning is either weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the route. The City of Lancaster is federally mandated to provide street cleaning year round in order to keep litter out of storm drains. Litter that ends up in a storm drain then goes into our combined sewer system, which has the potential to empty into our waterways and ultimately end up in the Chesapeake Bay. Please help us keep our water safe by paying attention to street cleaning signage when you parking and moving your car when necessary.
There will be no street cleaning on the following days:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Washington’s Birthday (Presidents Day)
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Election Day
Thanksgiving & the day after
Christmas & the day after
Street Cleaning and Snow Removal
The City of Lancaster provides snow removal on public streets during winter weather events. During light snow, cars can remain parked on the street. Typically, when there is a strong forecast for 8 or more inches of snow, the City will declare a Snow Emergency. Declaration of a Snow Emergency allows the Department of Public Works and the Police Bureau to restore reasonable flow of traffic in the City as quickly and effectively as possible. Whenever possible, streets will be plowed curb to curb.
Cars parked along snow emergency routes must be moved within one hour of the declaration of a Snow Emergency. Failure to remove a vehicle from a Snow Emergency Route could result in a parking ticket or towing of the vehicle at the owner’s expense.
During a Snow Emergency, the City will advise the public through local media, the City website and social media outlets, Red Rose Alerts, and email.
Property owners are required to clear their sidewalks and the openings to any crosswalks of snow and ice within five hours of the end of the snow. If the snow ends overnight, the property owner has until 10 a.m.
Do not throw or blow snow into the street when cleaning off your vehicles or sidewalks after the snow plow has gone through. Please pile the snow in grassy areas and along the curb. We understand that this can be difficult during large snowfalls, and appreciate your good-faith effort to keep snow out of the streets while clearing your sidewalks!
Please be considerate of your neighbors. Have a neighbor who’s not home, elderly or handicapped? Please take some time and help them out with this task.
If you need assistance with snow removal, consider reaching out for a volunteer through Dig Out Lancaster County, a private Facebook group. Go to for more information.
If there is a fire hydrant or storm drain adjacent to your property, please clear it.
If you have an issue with a property that has not cleared snow or ice within the allotted time frame, you can report the address to Housing at (717) 291-4706 or [email protected].