Take Action

Lancaster City’s residents are facing a number of pressing issues that require other levels of government to act. The City of Lancaster urges residents and community partners to advocate for the well-being of our community and city government. A few of these important issues are the availability of affordable housing, the use of radar by city law enforcement, the sale of consumer fireworks, equitable funding for our schools, how our city government raises revenue, and local control over open carry.

Key Issue: Affordable Housing

What can I do if I want to see more affordable housing?


One big answer: Advocacy.


Advocate for two key things:


1. More Subsidies:


– Advocacy to the Federal Government for more Low-Income Housing Tax Credits.

For more info, go to nlihc.org/explore-issues/housing-programs/tax-reform.


– Advocacy to the Federal Department of Housing & Urban Development for more housing vouchers and subsidies.

For more info, go nlihc.org/explore-issues/housing-programs/vouchers.


– Advocacy to the State for higher investments in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program.

For more info on housing advocacy in Pennsylvania, go to housingalliancepa.org.



2. Improved Zoning Across Lancaster County:


– Zoning approvals for mixed income and higher density developments. Lancaster City strives to have flexible and welcoming zoning and a welcoming land development process for affordable housing developers. Often, elected officials in townships and municipalities outside of Lancaster City make these zoning decisions in environments with limited stakeholder advocacy for density and affordability. Advocacy in support of dense and affordable developments anywhere in Lancaster County, not just in Lancaster City, is one way people can help.



Other Actions:


Other personal actions you can take include donating to a local fund to finance projects in the absence of adequate public subsidies. You can also donate to nonprofit housing developers to grow the supply of housing they own and manage for long-term affordability. In Lancaster these include: Community Action Partnership, Community Basics, Inc., HDC Mid-Atlantic, Lancaster City Housing Authority, Lancaster Equity, Tenfold, Lancaster Lebanon Habitat for Humanity, Spanish American Civic Association Development Corporation.

Make Your Voice Heard, Vote!

Voting is one of the most powerful ways Lancastrians can impact their community. Strong voting rates is a sign of engaged residents and a healthy neighborhood. Get registered, find your polling place, and cast your vote!