What We Do

The Operations Bureau is responsible for maintaining approximately 100 miles of city streets and 13 miles of public alleys. These responsibilities include reconstruction, resurfacing, maintenance, and snow and ice control. The Bureau is also responsible for snow and ice control for an additional 20 miles of state roads within the city limits.


The Bureau cleans 250 lane miles of streets, plus public alleys, and City-owned parking lots twice a month with Central Business District streets cleaning on a weekly basis. Each year, the Streets Section responds to an average of 300 police calls, 50 calls to remove dead animals in the street, 200 calls for debris in the street, 250 street-condition calls and approximately 2,000 calls from the public. The Streets Section also repairs an average of 150 water trenches, 30 sewer trenches, 30 sinkholes and approximately 3,000 potholes per year.


The Bureau’s Motor Vehicles Section performs Pennsylvania State Inspections, State-mandated emissions testing, tune-up services, vehicle repairs and maintenance for the City’s Vehicle Fleet. This includes more than 115 over-the-road vehicles, 15 off-the-road units, 3 street sweepers, and 50 miscellaneous pieces of equipment such as lawn mowers, generators, snow blowers, leaf pickers and trailers.


The Bureau’s Traffic Section is responsible for the maintenance of over 17,000 traffic signs; traffic signals at 123 intersections; flashers for 15 school safety zones; pavement markings; new sign manufacturing; and maintenance of decorative streetlights. Traffic Section personnel evaluate loading zone, handicap space and other parking restriction requests, and advise the Traffic Commission accordingly. Traffic Section staff collect field data, such as traffic counts and measurements, required for traffic signal and stop sign warrant evaluation. The Traffic Section implements rulings of the City Traffic Commission in coordination with the Bureau of Police.


Services We Provide

Street Repairs and Paving

Pothole Repair

Street Leaf Collection

Snow Removal

Street Crack Sealing

Street Cleaning

Posts/Maintains All Street Signs

Installs/Maintains Street Markings

Maintains All Traffic Signals

Maintains Street Lights

Evaluates Traffic Commission Requests, i.e. Load Zones, Handicap Parking and other parking restrictions.

Traffic Counts

Motor Vehicles

Maintains the City’s fleet of vehicles

General Contact Info


225 Riverside Ave.
Lancaster, PA 17602


Office hours

Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.





Email Address

[email protected]


Associated Boards, Commissions & Authorities

Who We Are
Who We Are
Cory Simo
Operations Manager
[email protected]