Zoning Hearing Board Meeting
4:00 pm
City Hall – Polite Council Chambers
Join the Home Rule Study Commission for one of three information sessions on home rule. This important step will share the DRAFT Home Rule Charter to inform the public and obtain feedback before the Commission finalizes their work and votes to put the Charter on the ballot.
The Information Sessions will start with a welcome and presentation overview of the proposed charter, followed by Q&A and then time for informal conversations with Commissioners in attendance about specific aspects of the Charter. These sessions are intended to be less formal than a planned public hearing on August 8.
Please join us for one of three information sessions:
Each of the three events will present the same information, no need to attend all three. Light food will be provided.
To receive free interpretation services for this event, please make your request to [email protected] or 717-517-5738. In your request include: name, phone number, email and preferred language. Please make your request 7 days before the event date
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