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City of Lancaster invites community to annual State of the City event

January 9, 2024 | Mayor's Office
By: Amber Strazzo Righter

Mayor Danene Sorace invites the community to the sixth annual State of the City address on January 25 at the Ware Center, located at 42 N. Prince St. The event is scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. and is open to the public at no cost. 

This event provides a unique opportunity for the community to gather and reflect on the achievements of 2023 while gaining insights into the exciting initiatives planned for 2024. Mayor Sorace, along with local leaders and students from JP McCaskey High School, will offer valuable updates and share their vision for the future of Lancaster city. 

City staff from various departments, including Public Works and Neighborhood Engagement, will be available from 5 to 6 p.m., showcasing their work and engaging with attendees to discuss programs and initiatives. 

The evening’s highlight is Mayor Sorace’s State of the City address at 6 p.m., where she will speak to the community, share important updates, and outline key priorities for the upcoming year. Additionally, there will be a panel discussion featuring several JP McCaskey High School students. 

“The State of the City address is a moment to celebrate our achievements, discuss ongoing efforts, and look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead in 2024,” said Mayor Danene Sorace. 

Free interpretation services will be provided. Residents requiring interpretation services are encouraged to make requests by January 17, contacting (717) 517-5738 or emailing citylanguageaccess@cityoflancasterpa.gov. Please include your name, email, phone number, and preferred language. 

Due to capacity limits, registration is encouraged. Attendees can register for free at www.eventbrite.com/e/state-of-the-city-2024-tickets-793361304017.