What We Do

The Bureau of Planning is responsible for creating and implementing the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Our Future Lancaster, which guides the physical growth and development of the city and aims to foster healthy, successful communities. Implementation of the plan occurs through tools such as zoning, historic preservation, small-area planning, site design, and the application of ordinances and programs governing land development practices.


The Bureau of Planning regularly evaluates land development proposals from private developers and coordinates interdepartmental reviews of housing, commercial, and mixed-use development applications. It also provides technical staff support to the Planning Commission and several other bodies that help manage growth and change in the city.


Additionally, the Bureau of Planning executes the work of the City’s Redevelopment Authority and Land Bank Authority, with the goal of revitalizing vacant, blighted, and underutilized properties while strengthening the economic vibrancy of city neighborhoods.


Finally, the Bureau of Planning’s Office of Public Art collaborates with arts organizations and stakeholders to facilitate the development of, and provide information about, public art. The Office of Public Art also offers the public opportunities to engage in the planning and selection of artworks through the Public Art Advisory Board. These projects, once realized, showcase the community’s creativity while celebrating its diversity, culture, and history.

General Contact Info


120 N. Duke St.
Lancaster, PA 17602


Office hours

Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.



(717) 291-4755



(717) 291-4772

Upcoming Events

There are currently no upcoming events.

Who We Are
Documents & Resources
Who We Are
Betsy Logan
Bureau Chief of Planning
[email protected]
Lauren Finn
Senior Planner
[email protected]
Thomas Gilbertson
Senior Planner
[email protected]
Molly Kirchoff
Program Manager, Public Art & Urban Design
[email protected]
Suzanne Stallings
Historic Preservation Specialist
[email protected]
Jameel Thrash
Zoning Officer
[email protected]
Documents & Resources

Planning Our Future Lancaster

The City of Lancaster is in the process of updating its comprehensive plan, which is intended to guide the City’s development and identify what is important to our community. The plan is rooted in community feedback and we want to hear from all voices!